Monday, January 12, 2009

Angus's First Sleepover

On Thursday Angus had his first sleepover. He had an appointment to be neutered. His surgery of course went well. It's trying to keep him down for the next 10 days that is going to kill me!! He was trying to run around the vet office where I work the day after. And go figure the day after he has surgery we have the biggest snowfall of the year. He is a German Short Hair Pointer so he loves to run and is quite fast. Last night I had to put him in his crate because he was running laps in the house. Our house is not that big it was crazy. Heaven help us!


Christine Hadden said...

Feel Better Soon, Angus.
Sorry about your luck :(

Anonymous said...

Awww,the sad face. My dog, Sam gave me that a lot after his "procedure" as we call it. He still gives me the "why did you do that to me?" face a lot.